===================== Introduction to naz ===================== naz is an async SMPP client. It's name is derived from Kenyan hip hop artiste, Nazizi. `SMPP is a protocol designed for the transfer of short message data between External Short Messaging Entities(ESMEs), Routing Entities(REs) and Short Message Service Center(SMSC).` - `Wikipedia `_ | naz currently only supports SMPP version 3.4. | naz has no third-party dependencies and it requires python version 3.7+ naz is in active development and it's API may change in backward incompatible ways. **Table of Contents** .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 1 Installation ================= ``pip install naz`` 2 Usage =============== 2.1 As a library ================== .. code-block:: python import asyncio import naz loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() broker = naz.broker.SimpleBroker(maxsize=1000) cli = naz.Client( smsc_host="", smsc_port=2775, system_id="smppclient1", password="password", broker=broker, ) # queue messages to send for i in range(0, 4): print("submit_sm round:", i) msg = naz.protocol.SubmitSM( short_message="Hello World-{0}".format(str(i)), log_id="myid12345", source_addr="254722111111", destination_addr="254722999999", ) loop.run_until_complete( cli.send_message(msg) ) try: # 1. connect to the SMSC host # 2. bind to the SMSC host # 3. send any queued messages to SMSC # 4. read any data from SMSC # 5. continually check the state of the SMSC tasks = asyncio.gather( cli.connect(), cli.tranceiver_bind(), cli.dequeue_messages(), cli.receive_data(), cli.enquire_link(), ) loop.run_until_complete(tasks) except Exception as e: print("exception occured. error={0}".format(str(e))) finally: loop.run_until_complete(cli.unbind()) loop.stop() NB: * (a) For more information about all the parameters that `naz.Client` can take, consult the `docs `_ * (b) More examples can be `found here `_ * (c) if you need an SMSC server/gateway to test with, you can use the `docker-compose `_ file in the ``naz`` repo to bring up an SMSC simulator. That docker-compose file also has a redis and rabbitMQ container if you would like to use those as your `naz.broker.BaseBroker`. 2.2 As a cli app ===================== ``naz`` also ships with a commandline interface app called ``naz-cli`` (it is also installed by default when you `pip install naz`). create a python config file, eg; `/tmp/my_app.py` .. code-block:: python import naz from myfile import ExampleBroker client = naz.Client( smsc_host="", smsc_port=2775, system_id="smppclient1", password="password", broker=ExampleBroker() ) and a python file, `myfile.py` (in the current working directory) with the contents: .. code-block:: python import asyncio import naz class ExampleBroker(naz.broker.BaseBroker): def __init__(self): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.queue = asyncio.Queue(maxsize=1000, loop=loop) async def enqueue(self, message): self.queue.put_nowait(message) async def dequeue(self): return await self.queue.get() then run: ``naz-cli --client tmp.my_app.client`` NB: * (a) The ``naz`` config file(ie, the dotted path we pass in to ``naz-cli --client``) is any python file that has a `naz.Client instance `_ declared in it. * (b) More examples can be found; `examples `_ As an example, start the SMSC simulator(``docker-compose up``) then in another terminal run, ``naz-cli --client examples.example_config.client`` 3 Features ===================== 3.1 async everywhere ===================== | SMPP is an async protocol; the client can send a request and only get a response from SMSC/server 20mins later out of band. | It thus makes sense to write your SMPP client in an async manner. We leverage python3's async/await to do so. .. code-block:: python import naz import asyncio loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() broker = naz.broker.SimpleBroker(maxsize=1000) cli = naz.Client( smsc_host="", smsc_port=2775, system_id="smppclient1", password="password", broker=broker, ) 3.2 monitoring and observability ========================================== 3.2.1 logging ===================== | In ``naz`` you have the ability to annotate all the log events that naz will generate with anything you want. | So, for example if you wanted to annotate all log-events with a release version and your app's running environment. .. code-block:: python import naz logger = naz.log.SimpleLogger( "naz.client", log_metadata={ "environment": "production", "release": "v5.6.8"} ) cli = naz.Client( ... logger=logger, ) | and then these will show up in all log events. | by default, naz annotates all log events with smsc_host, system_id and client_id | ``naz`` also gives you the ability to supply your own logger. All you have to do is pass in a python `logging.Logger `_ | For example if you wanted ``naz`` to use key=value style of logging, then just create a logger that does just that: .. code-block:: python import naz class KVlogger(logging.Logger): """ A simple implementation of a key=value log renderer. """ def __init__(self, name, level=logging.INFO): super(KVlogger, self).__init__(name, level) handler = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s") handler.setFormatter(formatter) self.addHandler(handler) self.setLevel("DEBUG") def log(self, level, msg, *args, **kwargs): new_msg = self._process_msg(msg) return super(KVlogger, self).log(level, new_msg, *args, **kwargs) def _process_msg(self, message): # implementation of key=value log renderer new_msg = ", ".join("{0}={1}".format(k, v) for k, v in message.items()) return new_msg kvLog = KVlogger() cli = naz.Client( ... logger=kvLog, ) 3.2.2 hooks ===================== | A hook is a class with two methods `to_smsc` and `from_smsc`, ie it implements naz's `naz.hooks.BaseHook `_ interface | ``naz`` will call the `to_smsc` method just before sending data to SMSC and also call the `from_smsc` method just after getting data from SMSC. | The default hook that naz uses is ``naz.hooks.SimpleHook`` which just logs the request and response. | If you wanted, for example to keep metrics of all requests and responses to SMSC in your prometheus setup; .. code-block:: python import naz from prometheus_client import Counter class MyPrometheusHook(naz.hooks.BaseHook): async def to_smsc(self, smpp_command, log_id, hook_metadata, pdu): c = Counter('my_requests', 'Description of counter') c.inc() # Increment by 1 async def from_smsc(self, smpp_command, log_id, hook_metadata, status, pdu): c = Counter('my_responses', 'Description of counter') c.inc() # Increment by 1 myHook = MyPrometheusHook() cli = naz.Client( ... hook=myHook, ) another example is if you want to update a database record whenever you get a delivery notification event; .. code-block:: python import sqlite3 import naz class SetMessageStateHook(naz.hooks.BaseHook): async def to_smsc(self, smpp_command, log_id, hook_metadata, pdu): pass async def from_smsc(self, smpp_command, log_id, hook_metadata, status, pdu): if smpp_command == naz.SmppCommand.DELIVER_SM: conn = sqlite3.connect('mySmsDB.db') c = conn.cursor() t = (log_id,) # watch out for SQL injections!! c.execute("UPDATE SmsTable SET State='delivered' WHERE CorrelatinID=?", t) conn.commit() conn.close() stateHook = SetMessageStateHook() cli = naz.Client( ... hook=stateHook, ) 3.2.3 integration with bug trackers ====================================== | If you want to integrate `naz` with your bug/issue tracker of choice, all you have to do is use their logging integrator. | As an example, to integrate ``naz`` with `sentry `_, all you have to do is import and init the sentry sdk. A good place to do that would be in the naz config file, ie; ``/tmp/my_config.py`` .. code-block:: python import naz from myfile import ExampleBroker import sentry_sdk # import sentry SDK sentry_sdk.init("https://@sentry.io/") my_naz_client = naz.Client( smsc_host="", smsc_port=2775, system_id="smppclient1", password="password", broker=ExampleBroker() ) | then run the `naz-cli` as usual: | ``naz-cli --client tmp.my_config.my_naz_client`` | And just like that you are good to go. This is what errors from `naz` will look like on sentry(sans the emojis, ofcourse): .. image:: naz-sentry.png :width: 400 :alt: photo of naz integration with sentry 3.3 Rate limiting ===================== | Sometimes you want to control the rate at which the client sends requests to an SMSC/server. ``naz`` lets you do this, by allowing you to specify a custom rate limiter. | By default, naz uses a simple token bucket rate limiting algorithm implemented in ``naz.ratelimiter.SimpleRateLimiter`` | You can customize naz's ratelimiter or even write your own ratelimiter (if you decide to write your own, you just have to satisfy the `naz.ratelimiter.BaseRateLimiter `_ interface) | To customize the default ratelimiter, for example to send at a rate of 35 requests per second. .. code-block:: python import naz myLimiter = naz.ratelimiter.SimpleRateLimiter(send_rate=35) cli = naz.Client( ... rate_limiter=myLimiter, ) 3.4 Throttle handling ===================== | Sometimes, when a client sends requests to an SMSC/server, the SMSC may reply with an ESME_RTHROTTLED status. | This can happen, say if the client has surpassed the rate at which it is supposed to send requests at, or the SMSC is under load or for whatever reason ¯_(ツ)_/¯ The way naz handles throtlling is via Throttle handlers. A throttle handler is a class that implements the `naz.throttle.BaseThrottleHandler `_ interface By default naz uses ``naz.throttle.SimpleThrottleHandler`` to handle throttling. As an example if you want to deny outgoing requests if the percentage of throttles is above 1.2% over a period of 180 seconds and the total number of responses from SMSC is greater than 45, then; .. code-block:: python from naz.throttle import SimpleThrottleHandler throttler = SimpleThrottleHandler(sampling_period=180, sample_size=45, deny_request_at=1.2) cli = naz.Client( ... throttle_handler=throttler, ) 3.5 Broker ===================== `How does your application and naz talk with each other?` It's via a broker interface. Your application queues messages to a broker, ``naz`` consumes from that broker and then naz sends those messages to SMSC/server. You can implement the broker mechanism any way you like, so long as it satisfies the `naz.broker.BaseBroker `_ interface | Your application should call that class's enqueue method to enqueue messages. | naz ships with a simple broker implementation called ``naz.broker.SimpleBroker`` | **NB:** ``naz.broker.SimpleBroker`` should only be used for demo/test purposes. An example of using that broker; .. code-block:: python import asyncio import naz loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() my_broker = naz.broker.SimpleBroker(maxsize=1000) # can hold upto 1000 items cli = naz.Client( ... broker=my_broker, ) try: # 1. connect to the SMSC host # 2. bind to the SMSC host # 3. send any queued messages to SMSC # 4. read any data from SMSC # 5. continually check the state of the SMSC tasks = asyncio.gather( cli.connect(), cli.tranceiver_bind(), cli.dequeue_messages(), cli.receive_data(), cli.enquire_link(), ) loop.run_until_complete(tasks) except Exception as e: print("exception occured. error={0}".format(str(e))) finally: loop.run_until_complete(cli.unbind()) loop.stop() then in your application, queue items to the queue; # queue messages to send for i in range(0, 4): msg = naz.protocol.SubmitSM( short_message="Hello World-{0}".format(str(i)), log_id="myid12345", source_addr="254722111111", destination_addr="254722999999", ) loop.run_until_complete( cli.send_message(msg) ) then in your application, queue items to the queue; .. code-block:: python # queue messages to send for i in range(0, 4): msg = naz.protocol.SubmitSM( short_message="Hello World-{0}".format(str(i)), log_id="myid12345", source_addr="254722111111", destination_addr="254722999999", ) loop.run_until_complete( cli.send_message(msg) ) 4 Benchmarks =============== Benchmarks can be found; `benchmarks `_