Step by step tutorial of using naz

In this demo, we will see how to use naz step by step.
We are going to start off on an empty directory
mkdir /tmp/demo_naz/ && \
cd /tmp/demo_naz
Next we install naz and confirm that it is installed
pip install naz && \
naz-cli --version
  naz v0.7.6
In order to use naz, we need to have a place where messages are going to be stored before been submitted to the SMSC.
Messages are stored in a broker in naz. But whereas other smpp clients force you to use a particular queue/broker implementation(redis, rabbitMQ, kafka,, AWS SQS etc), naz is broker agnostic.
naz will happily use any queue/broker so long as its implementation in software satisfies naz’s broker interface
For this demo we will use redis as our broker of choice. We will use docker to start a redis server;
docker run -p 6379:6379 redis:5.0-alpine
  Redis is starting
  Ready to accept connections
redis server is running inside a docker container and it is available for connection on the host at localhost:6379
Now we need a way for naz to be able to communicate with the redis server, ie we need to implemnet naz’s broker interface for our redis server.
Let’s do that, we’ll create a file called /tmp/demo_naz/
import os
import asyncio

import naz
import aioredis  # pip install aioredis

class MyRedisBroker(
    use redis as our broker.
    This is an implementation of the `` interface

    def __init__(self): = "localhost"
        self.port = 6379
        self.password = None  # use a password in prod
        self.timeout = 8
        self.queue_name = "naz_benchmarks_queue"
        self._redis = None

    async def _get_redis(self):
        if self._redis:
            return self._redis
        self._redis = await aioredis.create_redis_pool(
            address=(, self.port),
        return self._redis

    async def enqueue(self, message):
        _redis = await self._get_redis()
        await _redis.lpush(self.queue_name, message.to_json())

    async def dequeue(self):
        _redis = await self._get_redis()
        while True:
            item = await _redis.brpop(self.queue_name, timeout=self.timeout)
            if item:
                dequed_item = item[1].decode()
                return naz.protocol.json_to_Message(dequed_item)
                await asyncio.sleep(5)
With that we are now ready to have naz communicating with redis.
Now what we need is an smpp client to talk to SMSC. naz is that client, but we need to instantiate a class instance of naz Client
Lets do that in a file called /tmp/demo_naz/
import naz
from my_broker import MyRedisBroker

my_naz_client = naz.Client(
We have instantiated a naz client and passed in the redis broker implementation.
The naz client expects to be communicating with an SMSC server listening on localhost:2775.
We are going to run an SMSC simulator in this demo, however, if you have a real SMSC server to connect to; you can replace the smsc_host, smsc_port, system_id, password and any other SMSC related settings.
Consult the naz Client documentation to see all the options that you can use to instantaite a naz Client.
So lets run the SMSC simulator, we’ll use a docker container for that.
docker run -p 2775:2775 komuw/smpp_server:v0.3
  StandardConnectionHandler waiting for connection
Okay, lets start the naz-cli which is a command line application that ships with naz. When you do pip install naz, the CLI was also installed.
naz-cli typically takes one command line option --client which is the dotted path to a naz.Client instance. You can run help to see the options
naz-cli --help
usage: naz [-h] [--version] --client CLIENT [--dry-run]

naz is an async SMPP client. example usage: naz-cli --client

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --version        The currently installed naz version.
  --client CLIENT  The dotted path to a `naz.Client` instance. eg: --client
  --dry-run        Whether we want to do a dry-run of the naz cli. This is
                  typically only used by developers who are developing naz.
                  eg: --dry-run
Okay lets run the thing.
naz-cli --client my_client.my_naz_client
  Naz: the SMPP client.
  {'timestamp': '2019-06-16 07:52:59,412', 'event': 'naz.cli.main', 'stage': 'start', 'client_id': '7WJF935MQGSJPLQ7E'}
  {'timestamp': '2019-06-16 07:52:59,435', 'event': 'naz.Client.connect', 'stage': 'start', 'log_id': 'b526gdnxfbf8sqlzz', 'smsc_host': 'localhost', 'system_id': 'smppclient1', 'client_id': '0R5ND6BSD3G4ATWUX', 'pid': 28125}
So we have started naz with the dotted path to the naz Client that we had instantiated in the file /tmp/demo_naz/
NB: the file where you have instantiated the naz Client needs to be in your PYTHON_PATH
So the naz-cli is running and communicating to both redis server and SMSC server. However, we have not sent any messages. Let’s do that now.
We will create another file /tmp/demo_naz/ that contains our business logic for sending out messages
import asyncio
from my_client import my_naz_client

async def send():
    send out messages to customers once they make purchases.
    tracking_code = "kLqk248JSK8"
    msg = "Thanks for purchasing the Awesome shoes. Tracking code: {0}".format(tracking_code)
    log_id = tracking_code
    source_addr = "AwesomeStore"
    destination_addr = "254722000111"
    msg = naz.protocol.SubmitSM(
    await my_naz_client.send_message(msg)

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
We can execute that file, to send out messages;
And if you look at the naz-cli logs, you should see log events of the message been sent out and the SMSC making responses.
    "timestamp": "2019-06-16 08:08:35,975",
    "event": "naz.Client.dequeue_messages",
    "stage": "end",
    "log_id": "kLqk248JSK8",
    "smpp_command": "submit_sm",
    "send_request": True,
    "smsc_host": "localhost",
    "system_id": "smppclient1",
    "client_id": "0R5ND6BSD3G4ATWUX",
    "pid": 28125,
    "timestamp": "2019-06-16 08:08:35,974",
    "event": "naz.Client.send_data",
    "stage": "start",
    "smpp_command": "submit_sm",
    "log_id": "kLqk248JSK8",
    "msg": "@@@à@@@è@@@@@@@ΣCMT@££AwesomeStore@££254722000111@¥@@@@£@@@CThanks for purchasing the Awesome shoes. Tracking code: kLqk248JSK8",
    "connection_lost": False,
    "smsc_host": "localhost",
    "system_id": "smppclient1",
    "client_id": "0R5ND6BSD3G4ATWUX",
    "pid": 28125,
    "timestamp": "2019-06-16 08:08:35,980",
    "event": "naz.Client.receive_data",
    "stage": "end",
    "smsc_host": "localhost",
    "system_id": "smppclient1",
    "client_id": "0R5ND6BSD3G4ATWUX",
    "pid": 28125,
    "timestamp": "2019-06-16 08:08:35,980",
    "event": "naz.Client.command_handlers",
    "stage": "start",
    "smpp_command": "submit_sm_resp",
    "log_id": "kLqk248JSK8",
    "command_status": 0,
    "state": "Success",
    "smsc_host": "localhost",
    "system_id": "smppclient1",
    "client_id": "0R5ND6BSD3G4ATWUX",
    "pid": 28125,
naz gives you a lot more possibilities; you can change brokers at will, you can change the way logging is done(including passing in your own logging implementation), you can have custom rate limiting, custom throttle handling, hooks that get called at various stages of messages passing in through naz, and so much more.
Go through the documentation to learn much more.