
DNS and HTTP challenges unified

There’s still a draft when the wind is blowing, but it’s getting less.


It is indisputable that this is, in the first instance, Alec Troemel’s fault, since he added support for http-01 challenges. Also indisputable is that the many changes to both code and overall design made in the process of unifying the two types of challenges, while influenced by Alec’s code and our discussions, are entirely my fault. Alec cannot be blamed for my choices!

A few words about words

Because the word “provider” is so overloaded, I’m going to refer to the service-specific implementations as “drivers”, except when I forget, or missed changing an old use. “Provider” is still used in the class names. And then there are the “service providers”, viz., DNS services or web hosts, etc.

Overview (tl;dr)

ProviderBase described here defines the interface the ACME engine uses with new-model drivers (all http-01 drivers, as there are no old ones). New drivers normally should inherit from the DNSProviderBase or HTTPProviderBase classes in

DNSProviderBase has support for aliasing, though the individual drivers need to be created (or modified) to support it at this time. _unbound_ssh is a quirky but working example that supports aliasing.`

ProviderBase interface for ACME engine

The interface between the ACME protocol code and any driver implementation consists of three methods, setup, unpropagated and clear. The first and last are not unlike methods used by the legacy drivers, but they accept a list of one or more challenges rather than one challenge at a time.

— most of this is in [unpropagated], or should be. ToDo: reconcile

The unpropagated method was added with DNS propagation delays in mind. It should be possible for legacy drivers to implement this without a full conversion to the new-model as a temporary adaptation for those who need this feature. Just override the null version provided by BaseDns.

unpropagated checks all the challenges in the list it is passed, and returns a list containing the ones which are not yet ready to be validated. This should be more reliable than adding an ad-hoc delay before responding to the ACME server as well as avoiding wasting time.

The errata list returned by by all three methods has tuples for elements, where each tuple holds three values: the status string, the msg string, and the original, unmodified challenge item (dictionary). This is defined as types ErrataItemType and ErrataListType in

LE’s ACME server, for one, implements neither automatic nor triggered retries, so it’s important not to respond to a challenge before the validation response is actually accessible. And yes, the RFC’s language does encourage confusing the respond-to-challenge API request with the challenge response (TXT) that the server has to find when it probes for it.

My thinking on this is that, while the ACME engine’s code can know what names to check, in the really interesting case of widely distributed (anycast?) DNS service, figuring out which DNS server to query must be left to the service-specific driver. In some cases the service may provide an API for checking some internal status that might be faster and/or more reliable than polling DNS servers. For cases where all that can (or needs) to be done is some DNS lookups, well, that can be packaged as a function.

— end reconcile block

This is the pattern which all three methods use: accept a list of challenges (each a dictionary) to process, and return an errata list containing the subset which have problems or are not ready. So in all cases an empty list returned means that all went well.


Abstract base class for driver implementations ultimately inherit from.

ProviderBase init

    chal_types: Sequence[str],
    logger: Optional[LoggerType] = None,
    LOG_LEVEL: Optional[str] = "INFO",
    prop_delay: int = 0
    prop_timeout: int = 0,
    prop_sleep_times: Union[Sequence[int], int] = (1, 2, 4, 8)
) -> None:

The drivers’ __init__ methods accept only keyword arguments. We can see that ProviderBase has become the final recipient of quite a few, mostly optional, arguments. They ended up here because they are not specific to a subclass; a counterexample is the alias parameter, which is handled in DNSProviderBase. The conventions for ProviderBase and its subclasses are:

Conveniently, ProviderBase’s init demonstrates all of these aside from the use of kwargs (because it is the final base class, so any unrecognized arguments would be in error):

In all subclasses, kwargs is expected to catch parameters that may need to pass up the Provider classes, and so it must be passed to super()init. It is allowed to add, change, or even remove items from kwargs if necessary

— see the intermediate *ProviderBase classes.

— (see where for args documentation? DNS-Alias and DNS-Propagation & ???)

setup(self, challenges: Sequence[Dict[str, str]]) -> Sequence[Tuple[str, str, Dict[str, str]]]

The setup method is called to publish one or more challenges. Each item in the list describes one challenge.

(the description of the challenges list is common to all three methods)

The items are dictionaries with keys and values that come from the ACME authz query, or are derived from it and the account key [see note]. For dns-01 and http-01 challenges, the required keys are:

The current per-challenge dict holds a subset of the authz values, and some of the names (and structure) are different. This is likely to change in the future! (0.9?)

The plan is to include other values from the ACME authorization object response, as well as non-authz values, so the driver implementation MUST accept additional keys in the dictionary. Likewise, the list SHOULD include only outstanding challenges, and the call(s) to the driver SHOULD be omitted if there are none. But the latter, especially, is just the plan, so throwing an exception if the challenges list is empty is JUST NOT ON.

Allowing an empty challenges list is also convenient for unit tests.

Each of the three methods return an errata list of the challenge items which encountered an issue - couldn’t create, isn’t published, removal failed. So in all cases, an empty list means all is well.

The errata list is a list-like containing a tuple for each failed or unready challenge. The tuples have three elements: a status (str), a msg (str) intended to enlighten a human observer, and the original challenge item (the dictionary from the argument list). The status MUST be one of the defined values:

status applies to meaning
“failed” all challenge for which a failure occurred
“skipped” setup may skip challenges after one has a hard failure
“unready” unpropagated soft fail: record not deployed to authoritative server(s). If a non-recoverable error is detected, then use failed.

unpropagated(self, challenges: Sequence[Dict[str, str]]) -> Sequence[Tuple[str, str, Dict[str, str]]]

This method is expected to be needed mostly for DNS challenges, but it should be used whenever a service provider has a relatively slow or unpredictable lag between the challenge being posted by setup and that challenge data being visible to the world. When there’s no expectation of such lag, or no way to reliably check that the challenge has propagated, this may as well just return an empty list, and we’ll all hope for the best.

clear(self, challenges: Sequence[Dict[str, str]]) -> Sequence[Tuple[str, str, Dict[str, str]]]

clear, unlike setup, SHOULD NOT stop processing challenges after hitting an error. It’s possible that any reported errors will be treated as potential soft errors and the operation retried (with only the unready challenges).

? should have a status word for “this one’s hard failed, forget about it”?


The driver interface is the same for everything except legacy DNS drivers, but there are some differences which it makes no sense to push into ProviderBase. DNSProviderBase provides a nice example of this:

__init__(self, *, alias: str = "", **kwargs: Any) -> None

def cname_domain(self, chal: Dict[str, str]) -> Union[str, None]

def target_domain(self, chal: Dict[str, str]) -> str

The class’s __init__ handles the alias argument, and provides chal_types suitable for a DNS driver if they weren’t already present. Its value, if any, is stored locally for use by the helper methods. target_domain is to be used in the driver to get the actual DNS name for the challenge TXT, handling both the aliasing and non-aliasing case. cname_domain forms the DNS name for the CNAME that should exist in the aliasing case and returns it for the use of a hypothetical sanity check, or None when not aliasing.


This intermediate base class stands ready to handle any HTTP-specific options or helper methods. No additions are expected until sewer has had some actual drivers added. It also provides chal_types if needed.