
Sewer’s user command (so many –options!)

Sewer’s command line interface, historically named just “sewer” or “sewer-cli”, and implemented in sewer/, is now also available using the python command line option (eg. python3 -m sewer). In these docs we’ll call it sewer-cli in order to avoid already overloaded or generic names.

The command line tool, however invoked, is still a good vehicle for creating or renewing a single certificate. Simple cases may need only a few –options, but as time goes by the possibilities keep increasing. The official doumentation of the options that sewer-cli supports remains the output from running sewer-cli --help, but that can be rather terse. Here we will discuss what the options are and why they are needed, especially some recently [or soon-to-be!] added options.

key_type values

This is new with the crypto overhaul (pre-0.8.4). You can now choose the type and size of both the account and certificate keys to be generated by sewer (if you don’t pass it existing keys for one or both). | key_type | key & size | notes | | — | :-: | — | | rsa2048 | RSA 2048 bits | old sewer default | | rsa3072 | RSA 3072 bits | NEW sewer default | | rsa4096 | RSA 4096 bits | | | secp256r1 | ECDSA 256 bits | | | secp384r1 | ECDSA 384 bits | | | secp521r1 | ECDSA 521 bits | not accepted for certificate key |

NOTE that the default generated key has changed from 2048 bit RSA to 3072 bit RSA. This is in keeping with current NIST reccomendations. Unless you have a need to continue to use RSA account keys (existing scripts assume RSA, perhaps), one of the ECDSA types is suggested.

The choice of key_type would be easy if not for external factors: ECDSA is widely preferred on most grounds, but RSA may be required for backwards compatibility with old software or appliances. Some new applications and devices, OTOH, are dropping RSA due to its resource demands (CPU time and memory).

The 521 bit EC key is still valid in the specs, but currently most (?) browsers don’t support it, as LE has chosen to reject certificates using that key type and size.

sewer-cli General Options

--version --known_providers

These are both immediate action options. They print their information and exit, ignoring all other arguments (to include argparse errors).


--action “run”|”renew”

OBSOLESCENT. No longer required in 0.8.3! Default is “renew”. Has no effect other than changing one word used in one message text. Whether to create a server key and certificate de novo or reuse the existing server key (the only thing that CAN be reused) depends only on whether --certificate_key is given.

--acme_timeout seconds {7}

Used to adjust the timeout applied to all requests to the ACME server. If you need to increase this timeout you’ll know it . _added by #188 in pre-0.8.3; reworked from #154 from @menduo_

ACME options

--endpoint “production”|”staging”

Default is “production”, viz., issue a legitimate certificate. Use “staging” for testing! protocol changes enforced since late 2019 for staging are fixed in 0.8.2

Account options

To an ACME server, an account is a key pair which has been registered with that server. Oh, there’s other information that MAY be attached when it is registered - if you pass you email address to LE you can get timely reminders about certificates that need to be renewed soon. But basically, it’s that key pair.

By default, sewer-cli will create a new, unique key pair each time it’s run. And this is okay, because it will also save the key alongside the certificate and the key that’s attested to by the certificate. But if you don’t want every cert to be issued to a new identity, you’ll need to use --acct_key to provide the already-registered one. New in 0.8.4: you can use a new, unregistered account key if you also use the –is_new_acct option (and email, of course).

After the certificate has been created and downloaded, the account key sewer-cli used will be saved alongside the certificate and certificate key. After this,the new account key is registered with the ACME endpoint and may be used for future certificate requests using --acct_key.

--acct_key filepath

Filepath to existing, already registered ACME account key. Default is to create a new key and register it. Preferred over --account_key now.

acct_key_type key_type

Type of key to generate if --acct_key not given. Default is rsa3087.


Used with --acct_key, allows a key you created outside of sewer to be registered as an account key the first time it’s used.

--email email_address

Challenge publisher options

--provider|--dns name

Name of the [DNS] provider to use. --dns is OBSOLESCENT, prefer --provider which will be required in 0.9. As of 0.8.3 this still only supports the legacy DNS providers.

ALTERNATE FOR 0.9: make provider a required positional parameter, in accordance with argparse’s good advice that “users expect options to be optional”.

Driver parameters

During the pre-0.8.3 work, several long options were added to sewer-cli for individual new driver parameters. These single-use options will be retired with the release of 0.8.3, as they are all redundant since the introduction of --p_opts.

--p_opts name=value …

Added late in 0.8.3 development, this will be the only way to pass parameters into the drivers when 0.8.3 releases. Like --alt_domains, there can be any number of named parameters following --p_opts.

Propagation management parameters

There are two sorts of things for which we have to wait: the ACME server (see --acme_timeout) and the service provider (especially DNS propagation across a global anycast service). Although these are USED in the core engine code, they are SET through the driver. The reasoning is that the driver is the only part of sewer that might sensibly “know” what sensible defaults might be for its service provider, and what features are available. So eg., although --prop_timeout is available to all drivers, legacy DNS drivers might want to issue a warning if it is specified since (unless they’re updated) they do not support the prop_timeout mechanism.

--p_opts prop_delay=<seconds>

Adds a fixed delay after the challenge response have all been setup to allow the challenge to propagate before any other processing; the default is no delay. This is the simplest of the propagation waiting methods, and the only one available to unmodified minimally modified legacy DNS drivers such as those in 0.8.3. This was --prop_delay <seconds> during 0.8.3. development

--p_opts prop_timeout=<seconds>

Activates the active propagation checks and sets the timeout for that process; default is to not do these checks. This requires an implementation of the driver unpropagated method to be useful. Legacy DNS drivers inherit a null implementation which always reports all are ready which short-circuits this process. to be added when there’s driver support

--p_opts prop_sleep_times=<seconds,seconds,...>

Comma-separated list of integer number of seconds to sleep after the first, second, … not all ready response from the driver’s unpropagated method. The last value is re-used after the list has been used up. Default is “1,2,4,8”. to be added when there’s driver support

DNS driver parameters

--p_opts alias_domain=<alias_domain_name>

Configure an alternate DNS domain in which the challenge responses will be placed. See Aliasing for details. Legacy DNS providers accept this, but require further modification to actually apply the aliasing that’s supported by their parent classes. _This was --alias_domain <name> during 0.8.3 development.`

Certificate info

--domain CN-name

The primary identity for the certificate. REQUIRED, no default. CN-name is also used to form the default names for a number of files.

--alt_domains SAN-name …

List of alternate identities to be included in the certificate. Not quite what pedants would call “SAN”, since this should NOT include the CN-name. Multiple identities may be given, and sewer-cli will take all parameters (aka words) as SAN-names until it encounters another option (double-dash). Default is an empty list.

--out_dir dirpath

Set directory where the certificate and key files will be stored. Default is to use the current working directory where sewer was run.

--cert_key filepath

File path to your existing certificate key. Preferred over --certificate_key. As with acct_key, if this is not specified, a new key will be created. Has a similar effect to certbot’s --reuse-key (sp?) if it points to the key file from the previous run.

--cert_key_type key_type

Type of key to generate if --cert_key not given. Default is rsa3087.

–bundle_name basename

Base name to use for output file, eg., out_dir/basename.{account.key,crt,key} Default is to use the CN-name