
Wildcard Certificates

Since 0.8.2, sewer should be able to request and receive simple wildcard certificates using any of the DNS drivers. In earlier versions there was an eccentric re-naming of wildcard targets in the core logic which the drivers would, sometimes unreliably, remove. tl;dr: before 0.8.2 it depended on the driver.

One issue remains in 0.8.3

Certificates with a wildcard CN name, eg., domain=*, are valid for all and only the immediate sub domains of They do NOT validate for itself, which may come as a surprise if you have used some other (commercial?) providers, as they may silently add the naked domain as described below.

To create such “wildcard-plus” certificates in sewer, you would still use domain=*, then add Sewer itself, both through sewer-cli as well as the library interface (Client), is fully capable of handling this. The issue arises when publishing the challenge response. To a DNS (1) driver, this will appear as two different TXT values for the same name (in this case “”). Traditional DNS systems (inevitable eg.: bind) have no problem with having multiple TXT records like this, but many DNS service providers are using very different software. To be honest, the problem some of sewer’s drivers have with this may be in the service provider’s core system or just in their API layer. But we have had a problem using those APIs when setting up such wildcard-plus-naked-domain certificate’s validations, and from here on the outside we can only deal with them one by one.

(1) HTTP challenges don’t have this issue because each challenge uses a unique file name/URL component.

There is a general fix that OUGHT to be possible: have sewer’s core logic recognize cases where such “duplicate” challenges exist, and if the driver doesn’t announce itself capable of handling it, use a multi-step process to publish a non-overlapping subset of the challenges, wait for propagation, respond to the ACME server, and wait for the challenges to be validated, then remove the subset; then repeat the whole process for the “duplicate” validation. For now, my (mmaney) “plan” is to continue helping driver authors fix the drivers they’re familiar with as a bug is reported (and try to talk them into migrating to the new-model interface, of course!).