Source code for naz.protocol

import abc
import json
import typing

from . import state

The messages that are published to a queue by either naz
or user application should be versioned.
This version will enable naz to be able to evolve in future;
eg a future version of naz could add/remove the number of required items in a message.
This is a bit similar to:

[docs]class Message(abc.ABC): """ The message protocol for `naz`. It is the code representation of what gets queued into a naz broker. This is the interface that must be implemented to satisfy naz's message protocol. Users should only ever have to deal with the :class:`SubmitSM <SubmitSM>` implementation """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __init__( self, version: int, smpp_command: str, log_id: str, hook_metadata: str = "" ) -> None: """ Parameters: version: This indicates the current version of the naz message protocol. This version will enable naz to be able to evolve in future; a future version of `naz` may ship with a different message protocol. smpp_command: any one of the SMSC commands eg submit_sm log_id: a unique identify of this request hook_metadata: a string that to will later on be passed to `naz.Client.hook`. Your application can use it for correlation. """ if not isinstance(version, int): raise ValueError( "`version` should be of type:: `int` You entered: {0}".format(type(version)) ) if version != NAZ_MESSAGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION: raise ValueError( "`naz` currently only supports naz protocol version {0}".format( NAZ_MESSAGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION ) ) if not isinstance(smpp_command, str): raise ValueError( "`smpp_command` should be of type:: `str` You entered: {0}".format( type(smpp_command) ) ) if not isinstance(log_id, str): raise ValueError( "`log_id` should be of type:: `str` You entered: {0}".format(type(log_id)) ) if not isinstance(hook_metadata, str): raise ValueError( "`hook_metadata` should be of type:: `str` You entered: {0}".format( type(hook_metadata) ) ) self.version = version self.smpp_command = smpp_command self.log_id = log_id self.hook_metadata = hook_metadata
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def to_json(self) -> str: """ Serializes the message protocol to json. You can use this method if you would like to save the `Message` into a broker like redis/rabbitmq/postgres etc. """ raise NotImplementedError("to_json method must be implemented.")
[docs] @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def from_json(json_message: str) -> "Message": """ Deserializes the message protocol from json. Parameters: json_message: `naz.protocol.Message` in json format. """ raise NotImplementedError("from_json method must be implemented.")
[docs]class SubmitSM(Message): """ The code representation of the `submit_sm` pdu that will get queued into a broker. Usage: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python import os import naz broker = client = naz.Client( smsc_host="", smsc_port=2775, system_id="smppclient1", password=os.getenv("password", "password"), broker=broker, ) msg = naz.protocol.SubmitSM( short_message="hello world", source_addr="255700111222", destination_addr="255799000888", log_id="some-id", ms_validity=1, ) await client.send_message(msg) """
[docs] def __init__( self, #### MANDATORY SMPP PARAMETERS ### short_message: str, source_addr: str, destination_addr: str, log_id: str, service_type: str = "CMT", # section 5.2.11 source_addr_ton: int = 0x00000001, # section 5.2.5 source_addr_npi: int = 0x00000001, dest_addr_ton: int = 0x00000001, dest_addr_npi: int = 0x00000001, # xxxxxx00 store-and-forward # xx0010xx Short Message contains ESME Delivery Acknowledgement # 00xxxxxx No specific features selected esm_class: int = 0b00000011, # section 5.2.12 protocol_id: int = 0x00000000, priority_flag: int = 0x00000000, schedule_delivery_time: str = "", validity_period: str = "", # xxxxxx01 SMSC Delivery Receipt requested where final delivery outcome is delivery success or failure # xxxx01xx SME Delivery Acknowledgement requested # xxx0xxxx No Intermediate notification requested # all other values reserved registered_delivery: int = 0b00000001, # see section 5.2.17 replace_if_present_flag: int = 0x00000000, sm_default_msg_id: int = 0x00000000, #### MANDATORY SMPP PARAMETERS ### ### ### NON-SMPP ATTRIBUTES ### smpp_command: str = state.SmppCommand.SUBMIT_SM, version: int = 1, hook_metadata: str = "", encoding: str = "gsm0338", errors: str = "strict", ### NON-SMPP ATTRIBUTES ### ### #### OPTIONAL SMPP PARAMETERS ### # section 4.4.1 of smpp documentation user_message_reference: typing.Union[None, int] = None, source_port: typing.Union[None, int] = None, source_addr_subunit: typing.Union[None, int] = None, destination_port: typing.Union[None, int] = None, dest_addr_subunit: typing.Union[None, int] = None, sar_msg_ref_num: typing.Union[None, int] = None, sar_total_segments: typing.Union[None, int] = None, sar_segment_seqnum: typing.Union[None, int] = None, more_messages_to_send: typing.Union[None, int] = None, payload_type: typing.Union[None, int] = None, message_payload: typing.Union[None, str] = None, privacy_indicator: typing.Union[None, int] = None, callback_num: typing.Union[None, str] = None, callback_num_pres_ind: typing.Union[None, int] = None, callback_num_atag: typing.Union[None, str] = None, source_subaddress: typing.Union[None, str] = None, dest_subaddress: typing.Union[None, str] = None, user_response_code: typing.Union[None, int] = None, display_time: typing.Union[None, int] = None, sms_signal: typing.Union[None, int] = None, ms_validity: typing.Union[None, int] = None, ms_msg_wait_facilities: typing.Union[None, int] = None, number_of_messages: typing.Union[None, int] = None, alert_on_message_delivery: bool = False, language_indicator: typing.Union[None, int] = None, its_reply_type: typing.Union[None, int] = None, its_session_info: typing.Union[None, str] = None, ussd_service_op: typing.Union[None, str] = None, #### OPTIONAL SMPP PARAMETERS ### ) -> None: """ Parameters: short_message: message to send to SMSC source_addr: the identifier(eg msisdn) of the message sender destination_addr: the identifier(eg msisdn) of the message recipient log_id: a unique identify of this request version: This indicates the current version of the naz message protocol. This version will enable naz to be able to evolve in future; a future version of `naz` may ship with a different message protocol. hook_metadata: a string that to will later on be passed to `naz.Client.hook`. Your application can use it for correlation. service_type: Indicates the SMS Application service associated with the message source_addr_ton: Type of Number of message originator. source_addr_npi: Numbering Plan Identity of message originator. dest_addr_ton: Type of Number for destination. dest_addr_npi: Numbering Plan Identity of destination esm_class: Indicates Message Mode & Message Type. protocol_id: Protocol Identifier. Network specific field. priority_flag: Designates the priority level of the message. schedule_delivery_time: The short message is to be scheduled by the SMSC for delivery. validity_period: The validity period of this message. registered_delivery: Indicator to signify if an SMSC delivery receipt or an SME acknowledgement is required. replace_if_present_flag: Flag indicating if submitted message should replace an existing message. sm_default_msg_id: Indicates the short message to send from a list of predefined ('canned') short messages stored on the SMSC smpp_command: any one of the SMSC commands eg submit_sm encoding: `encoding <>`_ used to encode messages been sent to SMSC. The encoding should be one of the encodings recognised by the SMPP specification. See section 5.2.19 of SMPP spec. If you want to use your own custom codec implementation for an encoding, make sure to pass it to :py:attr:`naz.Client.custom_codecs <naz.Client.custom_codecs>` errors: same meaning as the errors argument to pythons' `encode <>`_ method # Optional SMPP parameters. user_message_reference: ESME assigned message reference number. source_port: It is used to indicate the application port number associated with the source address of the message source_addr_subunit: It is used to indicate where a message originated in the mobile station, for example a smart card in the mobile station or an external device connected to the mobile station. destination_port: It is used to indicate the application port number associated with the destination address of the message. dest_addr_subunit: It is used to route messages when received by a mobile station, for example to a smart card in the mobile station or to an external device connected to the mobile station. sar_msg_ref_num: It is used to indicate the reference number for a particular concatenated short message. sar_total_segments: It is used to indicate the total number of short messages within the concatenated short message. sar_segment_seqnum: It is used to indicate the sequence number of a particular short message within the concatenated short message. more_messages_to_send: It is used by the ESME in the `submit_sm` and `data_sm` operations to indicate to the SMSC that there are further messages for the same destination SME. payload_type: It defines the higher layer PDU type contained in the message payload. message_payload: It contains the user data. privacy_indicator: It indicates the privacy level of the message. callback_num: It associates a call back number with the message. callback_num_pres_ind: It controls the presentation indication and screening of the callback number at the mobile station. If present, the :py:attr:`~callback_num` parameter must also be present. callback_num_atag: It associates an alphanumeric display with the call back number source_subaddress: It specifies a subaddress associated with the originator of the message. dest_subaddress: It specifies a subaddress associated with the destination of the message. user_response_code: It is a response code set by the user in a User Acknowledgement/Reply message. display_time: It is used to associate a display time of the short message on the MS. sms_signal: It is used to provide a TDMA MS with alert tone information associated with the received short message. ms_validity: It is used to provide an MS with validity information associated with the received short message. ms_msg_wait_facilities: It allows an indication to be provided to an MS that there are messages waiting for the subscriber on systems on the PLMN. number_of_messages: It is used to indicate the number of messages stored in a mailbox. alert_on_message_delivery: It is set to instruct a MS to alert the user (in a MS implementation specific manner) when the short message arrives at the MS. language_indicator: It is used to indicate the language of the short message. its_reply_type: It indicates and controls the MS user's reply method to an SMS delivery message received from the ESME. It is a required parameter for the CDMA Interactive Teleservice as defined by the Korean PCS carriers [KORITS]. its_session_info: It contains control information for the interactive session between an MS and an ESME. It is a required parameter for the CDMA Interactive Teleservice as defined by the Korean PCS carriers [KORITS]. ussd_service_op: It is required to define the USSD service operation when SMPP is being used as an interface to a (GSM) USSD system. """ self._validate_msg_type_args( short_message=short_message, source_addr=source_addr, destination_addr=destination_addr, log_id=log_id, service_type=service_type, source_addr_ton=source_addr_ton, source_addr_npi=source_addr_npi, dest_addr_ton=dest_addr_ton, dest_addr_npi=dest_addr_npi, esm_class=esm_class, protocol_id=protocol_id, priority_flag=priority_flag, schedule_delivery_time=schedule_delivery_time, validity_period=validity_period, registered_delivery=registered_delivery, replace_if_present_flag=replace_if_present_flag, sm_default_msg_id=sm_default_msg_id, smpp_command=smpp_command, version=version, hook_metadata=hook_metadata, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, ) self.smpp_command: str = state.SmppCommand.SUBMIT_SM self.version = version self.short_message = short_message self.source_addr = source_addr self.destination_addr = destination_addr self.log_id = log_id self.hook_metadata = hook_metadata self.service_type = service_type self.source_addr_ton = source_addr_ton self.source_addr_npi = source_addr_npi self.dest_addr_ton = dest_addr_ton self.dest_addr_npi = dest_addr_npi self.esm_class = esm_class self.protocol_id = protocol_id self.priority_flag = priority_flag self.schedule_delivery_time = schedule_delivery_time self.validity_period = validity_period self.registered_delivery = registered_delivery self.replace_if_present_flag = replace_if_present_flag self.sm_default_msg_id = sm_default_msg_id self.encoding = encoding self.errors = errors self.data_coding = state.SmppDataCoding._find_data_coding(self.encoding) self.optional_tags_dict = self._create_opt_tags( user_message_reference=user_message_reference, source_port=source_port, source_addr_subunit=source_addr_subunit, destination_port=destination_port, dest_addr_subunit=dest_addr_subunit, sar_msg_ref_num=sar_msg_ref_num, sar_total_segments=sar_total_segments, sar_segment_seqnum=sar_segment_seqnum, more_messages_to_send=more_messages_to_send, payload_type=payload_type, message_payload=message_payload, privacy_indicator=privacy_indicator, callback_num=callback_num, callback_num_pres_ind=callback_num_pres_ind, callback_num_atag=callback_num_atag, source_subaddress=source_subaddress, dest_subaddress=dest_subaddress, user_response_code=user_response_code, display_time=display_time, sms_signal=sms_signal, ms_validity=ms_validity, ms_msg_wait_facilities=ms_msg_wait_facilities, number_of_messages=number_of_messages, alert_on_message_delivery=alert_on_message_delivery, language_indicator=language_indicator, its_reply_type=its_reply_type, its_session_info=its_session_info, ussd_service_op=ussd_service_op, )
@staticmethod def _validate_msg_type_args( short_message: str, source_addr: str, destination_addr: str, log_id: str, smpp_command: str, version: int, hook_metadata: str, service_type: str, source_addr_ton: int, source_addr_npi: int, dest_addr_ton: int, dest_addr_npi: int, esm_class: int, protocol_id: int, priority_flag: int, schedule_delivery_time: str, validity_period: str, registered_delivery: int, replace_if_present_flag: int, sm_default_msg_id: int, encoding: str, errors: str, ) -> None: if not isinstance(version, int): raise ValueError( "`version` should be of type:: `int` You entered: {0}".format(type(version)) ) if version != NAZ_MESSAGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION: raise ValueError( "`naz` currently only supports naz protocol version {0}".format( NAZ_MESSAGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION ) ) if not isinstance(short_message, str): raise ValueError( "`short_message` should be of type:: `str` You entered: {0}".format( type(short_message) ) ) if not isinstance(source_addr, str): raise ValueError( "`source_addr` should be of type:: `str` You entered: {0}".format(type(source_addr)) ) if not isinstance(destination_addr, str): raise ValueError( "`destination_addr` should be of type:: `str` You entered: {0}".format( type(destination_addr) ) ) if not isinstance(log_id, str): raise ValueError( "`log_id` should be of type:: `str` You entered: {0}".format(type(log_id)) ) if not isinstance(smpp_command, str): raise ValueError( "`smpp_command` should be of type:: `str` You entered: {0}".format( type(smpp_command) ) ) if smpp_command != state.SmppCommand.SUBMIT_SM: raise ValueError( "`smpp_command` should be:: `naz.state.SmppCommand.SUBMIT_SM` You entered: {0}".format( smpp_command ) ) if not isinstance(hook_metadata, str): raise ValueError( "`hook_metadata` should be of type:: `str` You entered: {0}".format( type(hook_metadata) ) ) if not isinstance(service_type, str): raise ValueError( "`service_type` should be of type:: `str` You entered: {0}".format( type(service_type) ) ) if not isinstance(source_addr_ton, int): raise ValueError( "`source_addr_ton` should be of type:: `int` You entered: {0}".format( type(source_addr_ton) ) ) if not isinstance(source_addr_npi, int): raise ValueError( "`source_addr_npi` should be of type:: `int` You entered: {0}".format( type(source_addr_npi) ) ) if not isinstance(dest_addr_ton, int): raise ValueError( "`dest_addr_ton` should be of type:: `int` You entered: {0}".format( type(dest_addr_ton) ) ) if not isinstance(dest_addr_npi, int): raise ValueError( "`dest_addr_npi` should be of type:: `int` You entered: {0}".format( type(dest_addr_npi) ) ) if not isinstance(esm_class, int): raise ValueError( "`esm_class` should be of type:: `int` You entered: {0}".format(type(esm_class)) ) if not isinstance(protocol_id, int): raise ValueError( "`protocol_id` should be of type:: `int` You entered: {0}".format(type(protocol_id)) ) if not isinstance(priority_flag, int): raise ValueError( "`priority_flag` should be of type:: `int` You entered: {0}".format( type(priority_flag) ) ) if not isinstance(schedule_delivery_time, str): raise ValueError( "`schedule_delivery_time` should be of type:: `str` You entered: {0}".format( type(schedule_delivery_time) ) ) if not isinstance(validity_period, str): raise ValueError( "`validity_period` should be of type:: `str` You entered: {0}".format( type(validity_period) ) ) if not isinstance(registered_delivery, int): raise ValueError( "`registered_delivery` should be of type:: `int` You entered: {0}".format( type(registered_delivery) ) ) if not isinstance(replace_if_present_flag, int): raise ValueError( "`replace_if_present_flag` should be of type:: `int` You entered: {0}".format( type(replace_if_present_flag) ) ) if not isinstance(sm_default_msg_id, int): raise ValueError( "`sm_default_msg_id` should be of type:: `int` You entered: {0}".format( type(sm_default_msg_id) ) ) if not isinstance(encoding, str): raise ValueError( "`encoding` should be of type:: `str` You entered: {0}".format(type(encoding)) ) if not isinstance(errors, str): raise ValueError( "`errors` should be of type:: `str` You entered: {0}".format(type(errors)) ) # note: optional smpp parameters get validated on their own in `_create_opt_tags` @staticmethod def _create_opt_tags(**kwargs): optional_tags_dict = {} for opt_name in kwargs.keys(): if kwargs[opt_name] is not None: optional_tags_dict.update({opt_name: kwargs[opt_name]}) # validate optional tags for opt_name in optional_tags_dict.keys(): state.OptionalTag(name=opt_name, value=optional_tags_dict[opt_name]) return optional_tags_dict
[docs] def to_json(self) -> str: _item = dict( smpp_command=self.smpp_command, version=self.version, short_message=self.short_message, source_addr=self.source_addr, destination_addr=self.destination_addr, log_id=self.log_id, hook_metadata=self.hook_metadata, service_type=self.service_type, source_addr_ton=self.source_addr_ton, source_addr_npi=self.source_addr_npi, dest_addr_ton=self.dest_addr_ton, dest_addr_npi=self.dest_addr_npi, esm_class=self.esm_class, protocol_id=self.protocol_id, priority_flag=self.priority_flag, schedule_delivery_time=self.schedule_delivery_time, validity_period=self.validity_period, registered_delivery=self.registered_delivery, replace_if_present_flag=self.replace_if_present_flag, sm_default_msg_id=self.sm_default_msg_id, encoding=self.encoding, errors=self.errors, ) _item.update(**self.optional_tags_dict) return json.dumps(_item)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json(json_message: str) -> "SubmitSM": _in_dict = json.loads(json_message) return SubmitSM(**_in_dict)
[docs]class EnquireLinkResp(Message):
[docs] def __init__( self, log_id: str, sequence_number: int, smpp_command: str = state.SmppCommand.ENQUIRE_LINK_RESP, version: int = 1, hook_metadata: str = "", ) -> None: """ Parameters: log_id: a unique identify of this request smpp_command: any one of the SMSC commands eg enquire_link_resp version: This indicates the current version of the naz message protocol. This version will enable naz to be able to evolve in future; a future version of `naz` may ship with a different message protocol. hook_metadata: a string that to will later on be passed to `naz.Client.hook`. Your application can use it for correlation. sequence_number: SMPP sequence_number """ if not isinstance(log_id, str): raise ValueError( "`log_id` should be of type:: `str` You entered: {0}".format(type(log_id)) ) if not isinstance(sequence_number, int): raise ValueError( "`sequence_number` should be of type:: `int` You entered: {0}".format( type(sequence_number) ) ) if not isinstance(version, int): raise ValueError( "`version` should be of type:: `int` You entered: {0}".format(type(version)) ) if version != NAZ_MESSAGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION: raise ValueError( "`naz` currently only supports naz protocol version {0}".format( NAZ_MESSAGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION ) ) if not isinstance(hook_metadata, str): raise ValueError( "`hook_metadata` should be of type:: `str` You entered: {0}".format( type(hook_metadata) ) ) self.log_id = log_id self.sequence_number = sequence_number self.version = version self.smpp_command = state.SmppCommand.ENQUIRE_LINK_RESP self.hook_metadata = hook_metadata
[docs] def to_json(self) -> str: _item = dict( smpp_command=self.smpp_command, version=self.version, log_id=self.log_id, sequence_number=self.sequence_number, hook_metadata=self.hook_metadata, ) return json.dumps(_item)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json(json_message: str) -> "EnquireLinkResp": _in_dict = json.loads(json_message) return EnquireLinkResp(**_in_dict)
[docs]class DeliverSmResp(Message):
[docs] def __init__( self, log_id: str, message_id: str, sequence_number: int, smpp_command: str = state.SmppCommand.DELIVER_SM_RESP, version: int = 1, hook_metadata: str = "", ) -> None: """ Parameters: log_id: a unique identify of this request smpp_command: any one of the SMSC commands eg deliver_sm_resp version: This indicates the current version of the naz message protocol. This version will enable naz to be able to evolve in future; a future version of `naz` may ship with a different message protocol. hook_metadata: a string that to will later on be passed to `naz.Client.hook`. Your application can use it for correlation. message_id: id of this message sequence_number: SMPP sequence_number """ if not isinstance(log_id, str): raise ValueError( "`log_id` should be of type:: `str` You entered: {0}".format(type(log_id)) ) if not isinstance(message_id, str): raise ValueError( "`message_id` should be of type:: `str` You entered: {0}".format(type(message_id)) ) if not isinstance(sequence_number, int): raise ValueError( "`sequence_number` should be of type:: `int` You entered: {0}".format( type(sequence_number) ) ) if not isinstance(version, int): raise ValueError( "`version` should be of type:: `int` You entered: {0}".format(type(version)) ) if version != NAZ_MESSAGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION: raise ValueError( "`naz` currently only supports naz protocol version {0}".format( NAZ_MESSAGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION ) ) if not isinstance(hook_metadata, str): raise ValueError( "`hook_metadata` should be of type:: `str` You entered: {0}".format( type(hook_metadata) ) ) self.log_id = log_id self.version = version self.smpp_command = state.SmppCommand.DELIVER_SM_RESP self.message_id = message_id self.sequence_number = sequence_number self.hook_metadata = hook_metadata
[docs] def to_json(self) -> str: _item = dict( smpp_command=self.smpp_command, version=self.version, log_id=self.log_id, message_id=self.message_id, sequence_number=self.sequence_number, hook_metadata=self.hook_metadata, ) return json.dumps(_item)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json(json_message: str) -> "DeliverSmResp": _in_dict = json.loads(json_message) return DeliverSmResp(**_in_dict)
[docs]def json_to_Message(json_message: str) -> Message: """ Utility function to deserialize the message protocol from json. You can use this method if you would like to return the `Message` from a broker like redis/rabbitmq/postgres etc. Parameters: json_message: `naz.protocol.Message` in json format. """ _item = json.loads(json_message) smpp_command = _item["smpp_command"] if smpp_command == state.SmppCommand.SUBMIT_SM: return SubmitSM.from_json(json_message=json_message) elif smpp_command == state.SmppCommand.ENQUIRE_LINK_RESP: return EnquireLinkResp.from_json(json_message=json_message) elif smpp_command == state.SmppCommand.DELIVER_SM_RESP: return DeliverSmResp.from_json(json_message=json_message) else: raise NotImplementedError( "The `from_json` method for smpp_command: `{0}` has not been implemented.".format( smpp_command ) )