Source code for naz.state

import typing
import struct

# TODO: try and turn these classes to enum

[docs]class SmppSessionState: """ Represensts the states in which an SMPP session can be in. """ # see section 2.2 of SMPP spec document v3.4 # we are ignoring the other states since we are only concerning ourselves with an ESME in Transceiver mode. # An ESME has established a network connection to the SMSC but has not yet issued a Bind request. OPEN: str = "OPEN" # A connected ESME has requested to bind as an ESME Transceiver (by issuing a bind_transceiver PDU) # and has received a response from the SMSC authorising its Bind request. BOUND_TRX: str = "BOUND_TRX" # An ESME has unbound from the SMSC and has closed the network connection. The SMSC may also unbind from the ESME. CLOSED: str = "CLOSED"
[docs]class SmppCommand: """ Represensts the various SMPP commands. """ # see section 4 of SMPP spec document v3.4 BIND_TRANSCEIVER: str = "bind_transceiver" BIND_TRANSCEIVER_RESP: str = "bind_transceiver_resp" BIND_TRANSMITTER: str = "bind_transmitter" BIND_RECEIVER: str = "bind_receiver" UNBIND: str = "unbind" UNBIND_RESP: str = "unbind_resp" SUBMIT_SM: str = "submit_sm" SUBMIT_SM_RESP: str = "submit_sm_resp" DELIVER_SM: str = "deliver_sm" DELIVER_SM_RESP: str = "deliver_sm_resp" ENQUIRE_LINK: str = "enquire_link" ENQUIRE_LINK_RESP: str = "enquire_link_resp" GENERIC_NACK: str = "generic_nack" # naz currently does not handle the following smpp commands. # open a github issue if you use naz and require support of a command in this list BIND_RECEIVER_RESP: str = "bind_receiver_resp" BIND_TRANSMITTER_RESP: str = "bind_transmitter_resp" QUERY_SM: str = "query_sm" QUERY_SM_RESP: str = "query_sm_resp" REPLACE_SM: str = "replace_sm" REPLACE_SM_RESP: str = "replace_sm_resp" CANCEL_SM: str = "cancel_sm" CANCEL_SM_RESP: str = "cancel_sm_resp" SUBMIT_MULTI: str = "submit_multi" SUBMIT_MULTI_RESP: str = "submit_multi_resp" OUTBIND: str = "outbind" ALERT_NOTIFICATION: str = "alert_notification" DATA_SM: str = "data_sm" DATA_SM_RESP: str = "data_sm_resp" RESERVED_A: str = "reserved_a" RESERVED_B: str = "reserved_b" RESERVED_C: str = "reserved_c" RESERVED_D: str = "reserved_d" RESERVED_E: str = "reserved_e" RESERVED_F: str = "reserved_f" RESERVED_G: str = "reserved_g" RESERVED_LIST_A: str = "reserved_list_a" RESERVED_LIST_B: str = "reserved_list_b" RESERVED_LIST_C: str = "reserved_list_c" RESERVED_LIST_D: str = "reserved_list_d" RESERVED_LIST_E: str = "reserved_list_e" RESERVED_LIST_F: str = "reserved_list_f" RESERVED_LIST_G: str = "reserved_list_g" RESERVED_LIST_H: str = "reserved_list_h" RESERVED_LIST_I: str = "reserved_list_i" RESERVED_FOR_SMPP_EXTENSION_A: str = "reserved_for_smpp_extension_a" RESERVED_FOR_SMPP_EXTENSION_B: str = "reserved_for_smpp_extension_b" RESERVED_FOR_SMSC_VENDOR_A: str = "reserved_for_smsc_vendor_a" RESERVED_FOR_SMSC_VENDOR_B: str = "reserved_for_smsc_vendor_b"
[docs]class CommandStatus(typing.NamedTuple): """ An SMPP command status """ code: str value: typing.Union[int, typing.List[int]] description: str
[docs]class SmppCommandStatus: """ Represensts the various SMPP commands statuses. """ # see section 5.1.3 of smpp ver 3.4 spec document ESME_ROK: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_ROK", value=0x00000000, description="Success" ) ESME_RINVMSGLEN: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVMSGLEN", value=0x00000001, description="Message Length is invalid" ) ESME_RINVCMDLEN: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVCMDLEN", value=0x00000002, description="Command Length is invalid" ) ESME_RINVCMDID: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVCMDID", value=0x00000003, description="Invalid Command ID" ) ESME_RINVBNDSTS: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVBNDSTS", value=0x00000004, description="Incorrect BIND Status for given command", ) ESME_RALYBND: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RALYBND", value=0x00000005, description="ESME Already in Bound State" ) ESME_RINVPRTFLG: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVPRTFLG", value=0x00000006, description="Invalid Priority Flag" ) ESME_RINVREGDLVFLG: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVREGDLVFLG", value=0x00000007, description="Invalid Registered Delivery Flag" ) ESME_RSYSERR: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RSYSERR", value=0x00000008, description="System Error" ) ESME_RINVSRCADR: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVSRCADR", value=0x0000000A, description="Invalid Source Address" ) ESME_RINVDSTADR: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVDSTADR", value=0x0000000B, description="Invalid Dest Addr" ) ESME_RINVMSGID: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVMSGID", value=0x0000000C, description="Message ID is invalid" ) ESME_RBINDFAIL: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RBINDFAIL", value=0x0000000D, description="Bind Failed" ) ESME_RINVPASWD: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVPASWD", value=0x0000000E, description="Invalid Password" ) ESME_RINVSYSID: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVSYSID", value=0x0000000F, description="Invalid System ID" ) ESME_RCANCELFAIL: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RCANCELFAIL", value=0x00000011, description="Cancel SM Failed" ) ESME_RREPLACEFAIL: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RREPLACEFAIL", value=0x00000013, description="Replace SM Failed" ) ESME_RMSGQFUL: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RMSGQFUL", value=0x00000014, description="Message Broker Full" ) ESME_RINVSERTYP: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVSERTYP", value=0x00000015, description="Invalid Service Type" ) ESME_RINVNUMDESTS: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVNUMDESTS", value=0x00000033, description="Invalid number of destinations" ) ESME_RINVDLNAME: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVNUMDESTS", value=0x00000034, description="Invalid Distribution List name" ) ESME_RINVDESTFLAG: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVDESTFLAG", value=0x00000040, description="Destination flag is invalid (submit_multi)", ) ESME_RINVSUBREP: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVSUBREP", value=0x00000042, description="Invalid (submit with replace) request(i.e. submit_sm with replace_if_present_flag set)", ) ESME_RINVESMCLASS: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVESMCLASS", value=0x00000043, description="Invalid esm_class field data" ) ESME_RCNTSUBDL: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RCNTSUBDL", value=0x00000044, description="Cannot Submit to Distribution List" ) ESME_RSUBMITFAIL: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RSUBMITFAIL", value=0x00000045, description="Submit_sm or submit_multi failed" ) ESME_RINVSRCTON: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVSRCTON", value=0x00000048, description="Invalid Source address TON" ) ESME_RINVSRCNPI: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVSRCNPI", value=0x00000049, description="Invalid Source address NPI" ) ESME_RINVDSTTON: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVDSTTON", value=0x00000050, description="Invalid Destination address TON" ) ESME_RINVDSTNPI: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVDSTNPI", value=0x00000051, description="Invalid Destination address NPI" ) ESME_RINVSYSTYP: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVSYSTYP", value=0x00000053, description="Invalid system_type field" ) ESME_RINVREPFLAG: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVREPFLAG", value=0x00000054, description="Invalid replace_if_present flag" ) ESME_RINVNUMMSGS: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVNUMMSGS", value=0x00000055, description="Invalid number of messages" ) ESME_RTHROTTLED: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RTHROTTLED", value=0x00000058, description="Throttling error (ESME has exceeded allowed message limits)", ) ESME_RINVSCHED: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVSCHED", value=0x00000061, description="Invalid Scheduled Delivery Time" ) ESME_RINVEXPIRY: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVEXPIRY", value=0x00000062, description="Invalid message validity period (Expiry time)", ) ESME_RINVDFTMSGID: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVDFTMSGID", value=0x00000063, description="Predefined Message Invalid or Not Found", ) ESME_RX_T_APPN: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RX_T_APPN", value=0x00000064, description="ESME Receiver Temporary App Error Code", ) ESME_RX_P_APPN: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RX_P_APPN", value=0x00000065, description="ESME Receiver Permanent App Error Code", ) ESME_RX_R_APPN: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RX_R_APPN", value=0x00000066, description="ESME Receiver Reject Message Error Code", ) ESME_RQUERYFAIL: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RQUERYFAIL", value=0x00000067, description="query_sm request failed" ) ESME_RINVOPTPARSTREAM: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVOPTPARSTREAM", value=0x000000C0, description="Error in the optional part of the PDU Body.", ) ESME_ROPTPARNOTALLWD: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_ROPTPARNOTALLWD", value=0x000000C1, description="Optional Parameter not allowed" ) ESME_RINVPARLEN: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVPARLEN", value=0x000000C2, description="Invalid Parameter Length." ) ESME_RMISSINGOPTPARAM: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RMISSINGOPTPARAM", value=0x000000C3, description="Expected Optional Parameter missing", ) ESME_RINVOPTPARAMVAL: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RINVOPTPARAMVAL", value=0x000000C4, description="Invalid Optional Parameter Value", ) ESME_RDELIVERYFAILURE: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RDELIVERYFAILURE", value=0x000000FE, description="Delivery Failure (used for data_sm_resp)", ) ESME_RUNKNOWNERR: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="ESME_RUNKNOWNERR", value=0x000000FF, description="Unknown Error" ) RESERVED_A: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="Reserved", value=0x00000009, description="Reserved" ) RESERVED_B: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="Reserved", value=0x00000010, description="Reserved" ) RESERVED_C: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="Reserved", value=0x00000012, description="Reserved" ) RESERVED_D: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="Reserved", value=0x00000041, description="Reserved" ) RESERVED_E: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="Reserved", value=0x00000052, description="Reserved" ) RESERVED_LIST_A: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="Reserved", value=[0x00000016, 0x00000032], description="Reserved" ) RESERVED_LIST_B: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="Reserved", value=[0x00000035, 0x0000003F], description="Reserved" ) RESERVED_LIST_C: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="Reserved", value=[0x00000046, 0x00000047], description="Reserved" ) RESERVED_LIST_D: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="Reserved", value=[0x00000056, 0x00000057], description="Reserved" ) RESERVED_LIST_E: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="Reserved", value=[0x00000059, 0x00000060], description="Reserved" ) RESERVED_LIST_F: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="Reserved", value=[0x00000068, 0x000000BF], description="Reserved" ) RESERVED_LIST_G: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="Reserved", value=[0x000000C5, 0x000000FD], description="Reserved" ) RESERVED_LIST_H: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="Reserved", value=[0x00000100, 0x000003FF], description="Reserved for SMPP extension" ) RESERVED_LIST_I: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="Reserved", value=[0x00000400, 0x000004FF], description="Reserved for SMSC vendor specific errors", ) RESERVED_LIST_J: CommandStatus = CommandStatus( code="Reserved", value=[0x00000500, 0xFFFFFFFF], description="Reserved" )
[docs]class DataCoding(typing.NamedTuple): """ An SMPP data encoding. """ code: str value: int description: str
[docs]class SmppDataCoding: """ Represensts the various SMPP data encodings. """ # see section 5.2.19 of smpp ver 3.4 spec document. # also see: # 1. # 2. # 3. # The attributes of this class are equivalent to some of the names found in the python standard-encodings documentation # We cant use all python standard encodings[1] # We can only use the ones defined in SMPP spec[2]; # # 1. # 2. section 5.2.19 of smpp ver 3.4 spec document. gsm0338: DataCoding = DataCoding( code="gsm0338", value=0b00000000, description="SMSC Default Alphabet" ) ascii: DataCoding = DataCoding( code="ascii", value=0b00000001, description="IA5(CCITT T.50) / ASCII(ANSI X3.4)" ) octet_unspecified_I: DataCoding = DataCoding( code="octet_unspecified_I", value=0b00000010, description="Octet unspecified(8 - bit binary)", ) latin_1: DataCoding = DataCoding( code="latin_1", value=0b00000011, description="Latin 1 (ISO - 8859 - 1)" ) octet_unspecified_II: DataCoding = DataCoding( code="octet_unspecified_II", value=0b00000100, description="Octet unspecified(8 - bit binary)", ) # iso2022_jp, iso2022jp and iso-2022-jp are aliases # see: iso2022_jp: DataCoding = DataCoding( code="iso2022_jp", value=0b00000101, description="JIS(X 0208 - 1990)" ) iso8859_5: DataCoding = DataCoding( code="iso8859_5", value=0b00000110, description="Cyrllic(ISO - 8859 - 5)" ) iso8859_8: DataCoding = DataCoding( code="iso8859_8", value=0b00000111, description="Latin / Hebrew(ISO - 8859 - 8)" ) # see: utf_16_be: DataCoding = DataCoding( code="utf_16_be", value=0b00001000, description="UCS2(ISO / IEC - 10646)" ) ucs2: DataCoding = DataCoding( code="ucs2", value=0b00001000, description="UCS2(ISO / IEC - 10646)" ) shift_jis: DataCoding = DataCoding( code="shift_jis", value=0b00001001, description="Pictogram Encoding" ) iso2022jp: DataCoding = DataCoding( code="iso2022jp", value=0b00001010, description="ISO - 2022 - JP(Music Codes)" ) # reservedI= DataCoding(code="reservedI", value=0b00001011, description= "reserved") # reservedII= DataCoding(code="reservedII", value=0b00001100, description= "reserved") euc_kr: DataCoding = DataCoding(code="euc_kr", value=0b00001110, description="KS C 5601") # not the same as iso2022_jp but ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ # iso-2022-jp=DataCoding(code="iso-2022-jp", value=0b00001101, description="Extended Kanji JIS(X 0212 - 1990)") # 00001111 - 10111111 reserved # 0b1100xxxx GSM MWI control - see [GSM 03.38] # 0b1101xxxx GSM MWI control - see [GSM 03.38] # 0b1110xxxx reserved # 0b1111xxxx GSM message class control - see [GSM 03.38] @staticmethod def _find_data_coding(encoding): # NB: # We cant use all python standard encodings[1] # We can only use the ones defined in SMPP spec[2]; # # 1. # 2. section 5.2.19 of smpp ver 3.4 spec document. try: return SmppDataCoding.__dict__[encoding] except Exception as e: raise ValueError( "That encoding: `{0}` is not a recognised SMPP encoding.".format(encoding) ) from e
[docs]class OptionalTag: """ An SMPP OptionalTag. Optional Parameters MUST always appear at the end of a message, in the `Optional Parameters` section of the SMPP PDU. However, they may be included in ANY ORDER within the `Optional Parameters` section of the SMPP PDU and NEED NOT be encoded in the order presented in the smpp document. see section 5.3.2 of smpp ver 3.4 spec document. """ # see section 5.3.2 of smpp ver 3.4 spec document. # All optional parameters have the following general TLV (Tag, Length, Value) format. # Tag, Integer, 2octets # Length, Integer, 2octets # Value, type varies, size varies. eg `receipted_message_id` is of type c-octet string of size 1-65 # As an example, to represent a `receipted_message_id`, we need; # import naz, struct # my_receipted_message_id = Tag + Length + Value # Tag = naz.OptionalTag.NAME_to_TAG['receipted_message_id'] # Length = ? # Value = "ThisIsSomeMessageId" # Value = Value.encode("ascii") + chr(0).encode("ascii") # since it is a c-octet string so it is a series of null-terminated ASCII chars # Length = len(Value); assert Length <= 65 # Value is c-octet string of size 1-65 # my_receipted_message_id = struct.pack(">HH", Tag, Length) + Value # Tag & Length are each Int, 2octet. Ints in smpp are unsigned. Hence use ">H" in struct pack # >>> print(my_receipted_message_id) # b'\x00\x1e\x00\x14ThisIsSomeMessageId\x00' # stores a mapping of optional parameter name to tag NAME_to_TAG: typing.Dict[str, int] = dict( # dest_addr_subunit: It is used to route messages when received by a mobile station, for example to a smart card in the mobile station # or to an external device connected to the mobile station. dest_addr_subunit=0x0005, # dest_network_type: It is used to indicate a network type associated with the destination address of a message. dest_network_type=0x0006, # dest_bearer_type: It is is used to request the desired bearer for delivery of the message to the destination address. dest_bearer_type=0x0007, # dest_telematics_id: It defines the telematic interworking to be used by the delivering system for the destination address. dest_telematics_id=0x0008, # source_addr_subunit: It is used to indicate where a message originated in the mobile station, # for example a smart card in the mobile station or an external device connected to the mobile station. source_addr_subunit=0x000D, # source_network_type: It is used to indicate the network type associated with the device that originated the message. source_network_type=0x000E, # source_bearer_type: It indicates the wireless bearer over which the message originated. source_bearer_type=0x000F, # source_telematics_id: It indicates the type of telematics interface over which the message originated. source_telematics_id=0x0010, # qos_time_to_live: It defines the number of seconds which the sender requests the SMSC to keep the message if undelivered # before it is deemed expired and not worth delivering. qos_time_to_live=0x0017, # payload_type: It defines the higher layer PDU type contained in the message payload. payload_type=0x0019, # additional_status_info_text: It gives an ASCII textual description of the meaning of a response PDU. additional_status_info_text=0x001D, # receipted_message_id: It indicates the ID of the message being receipted in an SMSC Delivery Receipt. receipted_message_id=0x001E, # ms_msg_wait_facilities: It allows an indication to be provided to an MS that there are messages waiting for the subscriber on systems on the PLMN. ms_msg_wait_facilities=0x0030, # privacy_indicator: It indicates the privacy level of the message. privacy_indicator=0x0201, # source_subaddress: It specifies a subaddress associated with the originator of the message. source_subaddress=0x0202, # dest_subaddress: It specifies a subaddress associated with the destination of the message. dest_subaddress=0x0203, # user_message_reference: ESME assigned message reference number. user_message_reference=0x0204, # user_response_code: It is a response code set by the user in a User Acknowledgement/Reply message. user_response_code=0x0205, # source_port: It is used to indicate the application port number associated with the source address of the message source_port=0x020A, # destination_port: It is used to indicate the application port number associated with the destination address of the message. destination_port=0x020B, # sar_msg_ref_num: It is used to indicate the reference number for a particular concatenated short message. sar_msg_ref_num=0x020C, # language_indicator: It is used to indicate the language of the short message. language_indicator=0x020D, # sar_total_segments: It is used to indicate the total number of short messages within the concatenated short message. sar_total_segments=0x020E, # sar_segment_seqnum: It is used to indicate the sequence number of a particular short message within the concatenated short message. sar_segment_seqnum=0x020F, # sc_interface_version: It is used to indicate the SMPP version supported by the SMSC. It is returned in the bind response PDUs. sc_interface_version=0x0210, # callback_num_pres_ind: It controls the presentation indication and screening of the callback number at the mobile station. # If present, the :py:attr:`~callback_num` parameter must also be present. callback_num_pres_ind=0x0302, # callback_num_atag: It associates an alphanumeric display with the call back number callback_num_atag=0x0303, # number_of_messages: It is used to indicate the number of messages stored in a mailbox. number_of_messages=0x0304, # callback_num: It associates a call back number with the message. callback_num=0x0381, # dpf_result: It is used in the data_sm_resp PDU to indicate if delivery pending flag (DPF) was set for a delivery failure of the short message. dpf_result=0x0420, # set_dpf: An ESME may use the set_dpf parameter to request the setting of a delivery pending flag (DPF) for certain delivery failure scenarios set_dpf=0x0421, # ms_availability_status: It is used in the alert_notification operation to indicate the availability state of the MS to the ESME. ms_availability_status=0x0422, # network_error_code: It is used to indicate the actual network error code for a delivery failure. network_error_code=0x0423, # message_payload: It contains the user data. message_payload=0x0424, # delivery_failure_reason: It is used in the data_sm_resp operation to indicate the outcome of the message delivery attempt # (only applicable for transaction message mode). delivery_failure_reason=0x0425, # more_messages_to_send: It is used by the ESME in the `submit_sm` and `data_sm` operations to indicate to the SMSC # that there are further messages for the same destination SME. more_messages_to_send=0x0426, # message_state: It is used by the SMSC in the deliver_sm and data_sm PDUs to indicate to the ESME the final message state for an SMSC Delivery Receipt. message_state=0x0427, # ussd_service_op: It is required to define the USSD service operation when SMPP is being used as an interface to a (GSM) USSD system. ussd_service_op=0x0501, # display_time: It is used to associate a display time of the short message on the MS. display_time=0x1201, # sms_signal: It is used to provide a TDMA MS with alert tone information associated with the received short message. sms_signal=0x1203, # ms_validity: It is used to provide an MS with validity information associated with the received short message. ms_validity=0x1204, # alert_on_message_delivery: It is set to instruct a MS to alert the user (in a MS implementation specific manner) when the short message arrives at the MS. alert_on_message_delivery=0x130C, # its_reply_type: It indicates and controls the MS user's reply method to an SMS delivery message received from the ESME. # It is a required parameter for the CDMA Interactive Teleservice as defined by the Korean PCS carriers [KORITS]. its_reply_type=0x1380, # its_session_info: It contains control information for the interactive session between an MS and an ESME. # It is a required parameter for the CDMA Interactive Teleservice as defined by the Korean PCS carriers [KORITS]. its_session_info=0x1383, )
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str, value: typing.Union[int, str, bool]) -> None: """ Parameters: name: the name of the SMPP optional parameter. value: the value of the parameter """ self._validate_args(name=name, value=value) = name self._value = value
@staticmethod def _validate_args(name: str, value: typing.Union[int, str, bool],) -> None: if name not in OptionalTag.NAME_to_TAG.keys(): raise ValueError( "The OptionalTag with name `{0}` is not a recognised SMPP OptionalTag.".format(name) ) if name in ( "dest_addr_subunit", "dest_network_type", "dest_bearer_type", "dest_telematics_id", "source_addr_subunit", "source_network_type", "source_bearer_type", "source_telematics_id", "qos_time_to_live", "payload_type", # the type of `ms_msg_wait_facilities` is a bitMask. but it is treated as an int "ms_msg_wait_facilities", "privacy_indicator", "user_message_reference", "user_response_code", "source_port", "destination_port", "sar_msg_ref_num", "language_indicator", "sar_total_segments", "sar_segment_seqnum", "sc_interface_version", "callback_num_pres_ind", "number_of_messages", "dpf_result", "set_dpf", "ms_availability_status", "delivery_failure_reason", "more_messages_to_send", "message_state", "display_time", "sms_signal", "ms_validity", "its_reply_type", ) and not isinstance(value, int): raise ValueError( "`{0}` should be of type:: `int` You entered: {1}".format(name, type(value)) ) elif name in ( "additional_status_info_text", "receipted_message_id", "source_subaddress", "dest_subaddress", "callback_num_atag", "callback_num", "network_error_code", "message_payload", "ussd_service_op", "its_session_info", ) and not isinstance(value, str): raise ValueError( "`{0}` should be of type:: `str` You entered: {1}".format(name, type(value)) ) elif name in ("alert_on_message_delivery",) and not isinstance(value, bool): # note that in smpp, `alert_on_message_delivery` has no value part in TLV # but in naz we just use boolean to indicate whether someone wants to set it. raise ValueError( "`{0}` should be of type:: `bool` You entered: {1}".format(name, type(value)) ) @property def tag(self) -> int: """ Returns the Tag field of an optional smpp parameter. The Tag field is used to uniquely identify the particular optional parameter in question. """ return self.NAME_to_TAG[] @property def value(self) -> typing.Union[int, str, bool]: """ Returns the Value field of an optional smpp parameter. The Value field contains the actual data for the optional parameter in question. """ return self._value @property def length(self) -> int: """ Returns the Value field of an optional smpp parameter. The Length field indicates the length of the Value field in octets(integer). """ if in ( "dest_addr_subunit", "dest_network_type", "dest_bearer_type", "source_addr_subunit", "source_network_type", "source_bearer_type", "source_telematics_id", "payload_type", "ms_msg_wait_facilities", "privacy_indicator", "user_response_code", "language_indicator", "sar_total_segments", "sar_segment_seqnum", "sc_interface_version", "callback_num_pres_ind", "number_of_messages", "dpf_result", "set_dpf", "ms_availability_status", "delivery_failure_reason", "more_messages_to_send", "message_state", "display_time", "ms_validity", "its_reply_type", ): # This is for unsigned ints size 1 # smpp doc says: "Length of value part in octets". return 1 elif in ( "dest_telematics_id", "user_message_reference", "source_port", "destination_port", "sar_msg_ref_num", "sms_signal", ): return 2 elif in ("qos_time_to_live",): # This is for unsigned ints size 4 return 4 elif in ( "additional_status_info_text", "receipted_message_id", "source_subaddress", "dest_subaddress", "callback_num_atag", "callback_num", "network_error_code", "message_payload", "ussd_service_op", "its_session_info", ): # make mypy happy; assert isinstance(self.value, str) return len(self.value) elif in ("alert_on_message_delivery",): # see section of smpp document return 0 else: raise ValueError( "The OptionalTag with name `{0}` is not a recognised SMPP OptionalTag.".format( ) ) @property def tlv(self) -> bytes: """ Returns the bytes representation of an optional smpp parameter. """ if in ( "dest_addr_subunit", "dest_network_type", "dest_bearer_type", "source_addr_subunit", "source_network_type", "source_bearer_type", "source_telematics_id", "payload_type", "ms_msg_wait_facilities", "privacy_indicator", "user_response_code", "language_indicator", "sar_total_segments", "sar_segment_seqnum", "sc_interface_version", "callback_num_pres_ind", "number_of_messages", "dpf_result", "set_dpf", "ms_availability_status", "delivery_failure_reason", "more_messages_to_send", "message_state", "display_time", "ms_validity", "its_reply_type", ): # This is for unsigned ints size 1 # B is for `unsigned char size 1`, H is for `unsigned short size 2` and I is `unsigned int size 4` # see: return struct.pack(">HHB", self.tag, self.length, self.value) elif in ( "dest_telematics_id", "user_message_reference", "source_port", "destination_port", "sar_msg_ref_num", "sms_signal", ): # This is for unsigned ints size 2 return struct.pack(">HHH", self.tag, self.length, self.value) elif in ("qos_time_to_live",): # This is for unsigned ints size 4 return struct.pack(">HHI", self.tag, self.length, self.value) elif in ( "additional_status_info_text", "receipted_message_id", "source_subaddress", "dest_subaddress", "callback_num_atag", "callback_num", "network_error_code", "message_payload", "ussd_service_op", "its_session_info", ): # make mypy happy; assert isinstance(self.value, str) _val = self.value.encode("ascii") + chr(0).encode("ascii") return struct.pack(">HH", self.tag, self.length) + _val elif in ("alert_on_message_delivery",): if self.value: # the TLV has no value field return struct.pack(">HH", self.tag, self.length) else: return b"" else: raise ValueError( "The OptionalTag with name `{0}` is not a recognised SMPP OptionalTag.".format( ) )